Friday, 17 February 2017

Upcycle Projects are important to me.

Paverpol is wonderful to use. It lets me use up the old tees and material I've been hanging onto. Right from the beginning what inspired me was my teacher, Marlene Morton Big Bird statue. I brought with me 2 tee shirts to use. I wasn't really into the lady statues I love the heron. After doing, probably one of the toughest, most time consuming pieces I took a few more classes from Marlene and started to have a new appreciation for the 'lady' statues. Ballerinas, mother-daughter pieces, I now love them! Using old jewelry pieces on them and old lace I have collected makes them so much more special to me. Taking an old hanky my grandma would have used and putting it into a piece using clear Paverpol is just a wonderful way to preserve an item! Its virtually there forever! Paverpol has been a wonderful adventure for me and they are producing more and more product every year to enhance the line they already have. Its so exciting to learn how to use all the new products in my art work and I look so forward to continuing to move forward with Paverpol. AH what a sales pitch...wasn't meant to be, but I do love the stuff! Please read my next blog which goes into upcycling examples more.
I used ols baby sheets for all my Pavperpol sheep!
An old tshirt was used here!
A bandana my daughter no lover used was pwefect for my horse!
Old 78 Albums used to make clocks or to hang as is.

A look at Upcycle, recycle, reuse, reloved etc

At taking a look over my site and my kitchen table at the moment, I realize that Ive always been drawn to upcycling. Its very important to me. I save old things hoping to revitaize them, not wanting to just put them in the trash. I love love dished, interestingly shaped bottles, old albums, old picture frames, old tools and almost anything that is wood! I spent a couple days last spring just wood working with my limited skills and loved it. Sanding, preparing and painting all old pieces of scrap wood my husband had slated to burn! So anyone who shares this..this compulsion, or love please note that a lot of what I do includes the recycling of material. Here's a look at some recycled, upcycled and reused projects that i have done.
This is an old 78 album that i have started with acrylic and covered with resin. I may turn this into a clock when finished!

this is my bucket of wood that has been prepped for projects. Also my Paverpol horse is attached to an old piece of stone a neighbor brought me(he was going to toss). Note the old steel container everything is in!
One of my favorites this year! This is the bag of Paverpol that I had dripped out of an bucket that I thought was closed. All over my kitchen floor! I decided to let it dry as trying to clean it up wet was not working. I scooped it up with a paint scrapper, put it in a bag, as I fumed at my own studipity! Couple days later I took it out again and looked at what I had saved. And I wondered! The leaf canvases that are at the top right of page is what came out of this recycled garbage I picked up! I love them!

scrap wood!

Stones from a vacation that i had painted once i was home.

Making cookie/makeup/jewelry stand from old Doulton plates.
Firewood given to us to burn!

This is a hair dye bottle that was turned into a gnome.

An old bread board we never use. I used an acrylic resin pour on it to give it new life. It was a tester but turned out great!